Desert Hope Ministries

Back-to-School Supply Drive

This ministry of hope takes the worry from students whose families are struggling within our Gridley School community and allows them to concentrate on learning. We collect items late spring and summer and supply backpacks and necessary school supplies to prepare the students for the start of the school year.
Contact: Linda Fountain

Church Office Hosts

A Church Office host plays an important role in providing administrative support to welcome visitors, answer the phone, distribute mail, check/order supplies, etc. Our hosts volunteer once a week or on a substitute basis. Give us your availability and we’ll schedule you as per your request.

Contact: Joy Renee Karr

Holiday Food Baskets

During the Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas seasons, our food basket ministry provides financially strapped families within our Gridley School community with a holiday meal and food supplies for a week. The month prior, we collect canned goods and boxed foods. We pack and deliver baskets with perishables to families the week prior to the holiday. Extra hands are always welcome.

Contact: Linda Fountain

Lunch Bunch

Lunch Bunch is a great way to meet people. This is a group of men and women, age 55+ who meet once a month for lunch, fellowship, and a short presentation. Some lunches are potluck and some are at restaurants. Members help plan and facilitate meetings. Our group participates in a service project also. Come join us for fun and food.  Please see the calendar for upcoming events and details.

Contact: This ministry is currently looking for new leadership.

Memorial Receptions

We help with the preparations for receptions following memorials and funerals. If you feel called to help serve in this very special way, please contact us.

Contact: This Ministry is currently looking for new leadership.

Prayer Team

We encourage everyone who is called to prayer and values prayer to join us. During this time, we pray for our nation, state and local concerns as well as for our Pastors, church leaders, and those we love and care about who have requested prayer. Additionally, you may be added to our list to join with others who pray at home for prayer requests received by e-mail as public prayers.

Contact: Judy Strong


Our ministry provides quilts for the residents of the homes built by the Agua Prieta Shelters program when they move into their new homes. We provide lap quilts to comfort our members, their families and friends of the congregation. Come join us. We welcome all quilters and those with sewing skills.

Contact: Lucy Dahn

Worship Assistance

These ministries are varied, but all very necessary for worship to result every Sunday with care and excellence. Please consider helping with one of the following ministries. Contact the person leading the group for more information about the associated tasks.


Altar Team Janet Bredehoft
Communion Assistants Cathy Cramer
Scripture Readers Joanna Jongsma
Ushers & Greeters Charley Hammond
Worship Arts (Music, Video, Sound, Presenters) Greg Silverman

Contact: see above

Youth Ministries

Middle school youth, grades 6-8, meet regularly for study, FUN, meals, retreats, camps and more. Our high school youth, grades 9-12, meet for fellowship, study, Bible, discussion, retreats and FUN. Students may join in these groups at any time! Contact Pastor Kent for information on how adults can help with these ministries.

Desert Hope Supported Ministries


4Tucson’s mission is to unite and mobilize Christians, empowering them to put biblical principles into action as we engage our city’s most systemic problems.

Visit the 4Tucson website at

Contact: 4Tucson

Agua Prieta Family Shelters

APFS, Inc. is dedicated to providing housing for families living in extremely poor conditions in the Territoria Movimiento and the Colonia Ladrilleria Neighborhoods in Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico. Agua Prieta is across the border from Douglas, Arizona. It is located about 130 miles southeast of Tucson.

Visit Agua Prieta Family Shelters website at

Contact: Frank Fountain

J17 Ministries

J17 Ministries exists to encourage strategic and prioritized alignment with what Jesus believed was of primary importance. The key to people discovering who He really was and how much God loves them would be our humble, visible, border-less love for one another as His followers.

Visit J17 Ministry’s web site at

Contact: Pastor Dave Drum